The Infrastructure Chair, Marty Kleiner, wants you to know that several different types of “tried and tested” timers resulted in quite a bit of information. Please note that some timers are banned from the garden. If you have any questions, please contact Marty at 813-404-3140.
Two of the Orbit timers below failed in the open position and water flowed for hours flooding the area around the garden bed. They were both removed. These timers are not allowed at VISTA due to their unreliability.

This Ardeen timer has also failed in the open position twice. They were removed. These timers are not allowed at VISTA due to their unreliability.

At least two of these Mister Timer timers have stopped working. Fortunately, they fail in the closed position. There may be others that do not work. I suggest that you set it to manual and see your irrigation system works. On some of these the screen filter was clogged and simply needed to be cleaned out. Note the Rain Delay setting shuts off the timer for 3 days and then goes back to the regular setting.

Although these timers have not failed, the LED display on some faded after three years and gardeners cannot easily see the information displayed. These timers are still allowed.

Several people are using these Rainbird timers and we have not noticed any problems.

There are a few other types of timers at the garden that have not yet been analyzed, so we have no information about them at this time.