
Snack Hero
Sugar Variety
An early, compact variety, Snak Hero is a little climbing vine with curling tendrils that is valued not only for sugar snap pea production but also for ornamental purposes and can fit beautifully into an edible landscape. The small plant produces pretty white flowers followed by heavy yields of long 4-inch slender pods. Although they have the straight, elongated appearance of a green bean, they have the texture and taste of a snap pea. Crunchy and super sweet, the delicious stringless pods can be eaten fresh off the vine, added to salads, or cooked in stir fries. They can also be frozen for later use.

Field Variety
Vigorous, drought hardy plants are a great nitrogen-fixing cover crop. Daylength-sensitive variety. Starts flowering when nights lengthen to 11 hours. Late maturing pods can be harvested for the kitchen or used for fodder. Good root-knot nematode resistance. Sprawling vines. 6-7 in. pods, light tan seeds.
Cowpea has a number of common names, including crowder pea, black-eyed pea and southern pea. It is known internationally as lubia, niebe, coupe or frijole.

Sugar Ann
Sugar Variety
An early maturing dwarf variety, reaching only 2 feet in height. No staking required. The large edible pods are sweet and crisp. Disease resistant to Fusarium 1.
Harvest when pods begin to swell. Harvest frequently to keep plants producing. When left on the vine too long, the peas become starchy and the pods become tough.

Sugar Snap
Snap Variety
a variety of snap peas that has a tall vine plant habit around 6 feet tall. The edible pods are about 3” long, sweet and crisp.
Harvest when pods barely begin to swell. Harvest frequently to keep plants producing. When left on the vine too long, the peas become starchy and the pods become tough.

Oregon Sugar Pod II
Snap Variety
The Oregon Sugar Pod II is a high yielding snow pea that has a high percentage of two pods per cluster and grows up to 30" tall. Produces large pods up to 5" long by 1" wide. This sweet variety has excellent disease resistance and thrives in cool temperatures. The crisp and flavorful pods freeze well without losing their color or flavor.

Sugar Daddy
Snap Variety
Hailed as the first stringless podded pea, this variety was introduced after 25 years of development by Dr. Calvin Lamborn*. This 'Sugar Daddy' has some big improvements — stringless pods, shorter vines, and improved disease resistance. Resistant to powdery mildew and tolerant to bean leaf roll virus.
Slender, 3" pods have a deep green color adding to their appeal. The short plants reach only 24-to-30 inches tall and don't need support, although a short fence or trellis will make it easier to find and harvest the crunchy peas.
Pods can be served fresh by themselves or with dip or added to give crunch to salads. Include with stir-fries and soups or steam for a delicious vegetable.

Previously grown at VISTA

Seed packets available from House of the Rising Seed

Seedlings pre-order available from House of the Rising Seed