Here's special news from the Herb Garden:
May is here! Can you hear summer knocking on Florida’s door? With the hot weather comes a dormant time for more delicate herbs. But before things get too hot, we can preserve our favorite herbs to be enjoyed all year long. Last month, we featured a tutorial on freezing herbs in ice cube trays. If you don’t have the freezer space for a dedicated ice cube tray, why not try drying fresh herbs? Not only is this tried-and-true method easy and affordable, but it looks gorgeous as a seasonal decoration in the kitchen!
This method can easily be used for the oregano that’s growing plentifully in the herb spiral, the thyme and parsley that are in the full-sun zones, or even the mint that’s growing in pots all throughout the herb garden. If there are any particular herbs you’d like to see hanging in your kitchen, reach out to Rita M or Kathy N to add it to the garden so you can add it to your recipes!
