Project Discussion:
January 2019
Wilfred along with his mother and Scoutmaster, Gladys Rodriguez, meets will Bill West, President of VISTA Gardens to begin plans for his Eagle Scout Project.

Eagle Scout candidate, Wilfred Rodriguez, photographs site.

Work Begins:
August 24, 2019
After much planning and fundraising, the first step of the project gets underway.
Safety first! Wilfred distributes safety goggles to his fellow scout troop members who volunteer to help.

Prepping Site
Wilfred’s Sout Troop 16 and their families clear the site for The Little Free Library at VISTA Gardens.

Work Continues:
August 24, 2019
Scout dads get in on the action! Breaking ground for a path and seating area near the future library

Waste Not
The “S” in VISTA is for sustainability. Scouts preserve and relocate sod to reinforce grasses around the Live Oak Tree in the gardens.

Finish Line Insight:
February 29, 2020
Project is completed with mulched seating area, benches, pergola, and VISTA’s Little Free Library.
Passersby stop to enjoy time on the benches under the pergola.