Hillsborough County's First Garden Park
Our mission is to provide education and to serve as a sustainable model for organic gardening, native landscaping, and related technologies while providing opportunities to participate in healthy outdoor activities, responsible environmental leadership, growing organic food, and community building.
Take a look around this web site to learn more about our garden, its members and find links to helpful gardening resources.
Nature Coast Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society Tours VISTA 11/18/2023
Community Gardens
"According to the Trust for Public Land, “today there are more than 29,000 garden plots in city parks in just the 100 largest U.S. Cities.” That is a lot of space and a lot of leverage, and it doesn’t even include gardens at
faith communities, non-profits, businesses, private land, and those in smaller cities, suburban communities, and rural areas!"
Alyssa McKim,
Contributor to the American Community Gardening Association magazine
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VISTA In the News:
Future VISTA Gardeners
At VISTA we not only nurture or plants we nurture children to become future gardeners.
Pollinator Gardens
With approximately 75 percent of all food crops grown in the United States depending on pollinator animals, the Pollinator Gardens at VISTA aid in producing ample crops.