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VISTA members we need your help! Don’t just take; take a turn!

Updated: Jan 16, 2023

Each VISTA gardener benefits mightily when we add compost to our raised garden beds. To show our appreciation, let’s each sign up to help turn and sift compost. The goal is to have every VISTA member literally “pitch” in once annually to help our hard-working compost crew.

Rolfe and Jim turn a pile of decomposing compost.

If you physically can’t turn compost piles, you can likely sift compost. Couples sift, entire families sift, individuals sift!

Hernado adds a shovel full of compost that he and Ellen then sift.

Tiffani and Eddie Martin sift with their daughter. Sifting can be a family event.

A Message from our Chair of VISTA’s Compost Committee, M. J.

Creating ‘Black Gold’ is rewarding. We get good exercise as we contribute to successful gardening at VISTA. Come “take a turn” at composting at least once a year. If every member schedules to help with compost one hour each year, we will have an extra set of hands each week and can produce more compost for use in VISTA’s raised garden beds.

“The best gardener can’t grow successfully in poor soil. The worst gardener can grow successfully in good soil.”

Bill West, Founder and President of VISTA Gardens

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