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Red Torch Mexican Sunflower

 A vigorous, drought-tolerant warm-season annual that is easy to grow. Produces brilliant, red-orange 2-3 inch flowers on long 4-6' stalks. The flowers are attractive to a wide variety of bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, and can be used as cut flowers.

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Teddy Bear 


This is a dwarf bushy variety sunflower. Height varies depending on container size. They will also do well in containers; though expect much shorter plant heights. Expect 35-42"in the garden. Blooms are typically 3-5"yellow & shaggy. Ripe flower heads are attractive to birds.

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Evening Sun Sunflower

This beautiful variety has medium-large blooms on 4-6 “ in shades of burgundy, rust, bronze, bright yellow, and crimson, with many being bi-colored. The 7 foot plants produce many flowers over a long season. Seed heads may be harvested for kernels or left on the stalk for migrating birds.

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